California State Disability Insurance (SDI)
*** This is an unofficial extract of the benefit schedule of the statutory plan and
reference to the actual statutory regulations is required for the most current, complete
and official plan provisions.
California administers its state disability law as an adjunct to its unemployment insurance
law. The California Unemployment Compensation Disability Benefits Law covers most employers
except public entities, public school districts and self-employed individuals.
Rates change annually, based on claims experience and the fiscal viability of the fund. In
1996, employees had to contribute 0.5% of their first $31,767 in earnings to the state fund.
No employer contribution is mandated, but employers can contribute toward the cost of the
state plan or a private plan, or pay the entire cost. (The IRS has ruled that employer
contributions to the state plan or a private plan are deductible by the employer and
considered taxable income to the employee. Employee contributions to the state fund are
deductible as state taxes, while contributions to a private plan are treated as nondeductible
personal expenses.)
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible an employee must have earned at least $300.00 in covered
employment during a previous one year base period.
BENEFITS (1998): Maximum - $336.00 per week, minimum $50.00. Benefits are paid by a
schedule and are based on the wages in the calendar quarter of the base period in which
the employee was paid the most. Partial weeks are based on a 7 day week.
ELIMINATION PERIOD: Benefits begin on the eighth day of disability or first day of hospital
confinement, whichever comes first.
BENEFIT PERIOD: 52 weeks or until benefits equal 100% of base period wages.
RECURRENT DISABILITY: Consecutive periods of disability not separated by more than
23 weeks are considered as a single period of disability.
NOTE: SDI provides the employee with an award (referred to as a "greenslip") which
indicates the base period, wages, weekly benefit, etc.
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