Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance
*** This is an unofficial extract of the benefit schedule of the statutory plan and
reference to the actual statutory regulations is required for the most current, complete
and official plan provisions.
Hawaii's Temporary Disability Insurance Law stands alone. It covers all employers with one
or more employees except the federal government. The benefit and contribution maximums are
revised annually. In 1998, employees could contribute to the state fund up to .5% of their
wages or 50% of costs, not to exceed a weekly maximum of $3.07. Employers can pay the
entire cost, or withhold employee contributions for one-half the cost, not to exceed the
maximum employee contributions.
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, an employee be employed 52 weeks immediately preceding
the first day of disability and earned wages of at least $400.00.
BENEFITS (2002): Maximum - $396.00 per week, minimum $14.00 based on
the maximum weekly wage base of $682.50 per week.
ELIMINATION PERIOD: 7 day waiting period and benefits begin on the 8th day of disability.
BENEFIT PERIOD: up to 26 weeks maximum for any period of disability or during any benefit year.
RECURRENT DISABILITY: Consecutive periods of disability due to the same or related
causes not separated by more than 2 weeks, are considered as a single period of disability.
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