Rhode Island Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI)
*** This is an unofficial extract of the benefit schedule of the statutory plan and
reference to the actual statutory regulations is required for the most current, complete
and official plan provisions.
Rhode Island administers its temporary disability law as an adjunct to its unemployment
insurance law. The Temporary Disability Insurance Act covers all private employers and is
optional for local governments. Federal and state government entities are exempt, as are
sole proprietors.
The employee contribution rate changes periodically. In 1998, the rate was 1.2% of the
first $38,000 of earned income. No employer contribution is mandated. (The IRS has ruled
that employer contributions to the state plan or a private plan are deductible by the
employer and considered taxable income to the employee. Employee contributions to the
state fund are deductible as state taxes, while contributions to a private plan are treated
as nondeductible personal expenses.)
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, an employee must have $5,340 total base period wages or
$890.00 in one quarter plus total wages equal to 1.5 times high quarter wages plus total
base period wages of $1,780.00.
BENEFITS (1998): Maximum - $463.00 per week, minimum $42.00. An additional 7% of
the claimant's benefit rate is paid for each dependent child under age 18 up to a maximum
of 5 children to a $625.00 maximum dependent allowance.
ELIMINATION PERIOD: Seven (7) days ending on a day other than Saturday. Payments can
be made for that period after 28 days of unemployment due to disability.
BENEFIT PERIOD: Up to 30 weeks of benefits, or until benefits equal 36% of base
period wage.
RECURRENT DISABILITY: If full 30 weeks are not used in the Benefit Year, the
balance is available within the same Benefit Year beginning with the date of disability.
Second period of disability does not have to be a related medical problem but disability
must continue for at least 7 consecutive days.
EXTENSION OF BENEFITS: If disability commences within 12 months of termination,
employee may be eligible for TDI if he belongs to Labor force.
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